Nanotoxicology special issue is published
Finally our collection of publications showing some of the main outcome of NanoTEST has been published in a special issue in Nanotoxicology. Thanks to all NanoTEST members for the enormous effort, and to Maria for pulling it all together. Please see the complete list under “publications”.
NanoTEST project is finalised
NanoTEST was finished March 31st 2012, however the website is still open and will be updated to incldude new publications etc. A special issue in Nanotoxicology is under preparation, and all NanoTEST partners are involved.
The coordinator would like to thank all partners for great collaboration, and we are proud of all the important results we have obtained during these 4 years.
NanoTEST Final Workshop and symposium
7th March 2012: NanoTEST Workshop
8th March 2012: NanoTEST Symposium
The workshop and symposium are open to all, please contact Lise Fjellsbø for registration.
Agenda is now available, please follow link for more information..
NanoTEST Annual meeting and workshop
29th – 31st of March 2011 both workshop and 3rd annual meeting is arranged for the NanoTEST consortium. The meetings will be held in Paris, France.
21/Dec/2010 Open PhD positions within NanoTOES
NanoTOES – an Initial Training Network under the PEOPLE Programme of the 7th Framework Programme – is offering a total of 11 PhD positions and 2 postdoctoral positions. The members of the NanoTOES consortium are 12 partner organizations, including universities, non-university research institutions and industry, which will perform a joint study on the impact of Nanomaterials on Health and Environment. Each member will contribute as host of a PhD student or postdoctorial position. Positions are expected to be filled with a starting date of 1st May 2011. For more information please open the full announcement.
Immunology initiative within European Nanosafety Cluster
Please find link to an open letter from the immunology initiatiev within European Nanosafety Cluster to create an “Immunosafety Task Force”. Everyone interested are invited to send their contributions and to participate at the kick off meeting.
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NanoTEST open day
In Edinburgh, Wednesday June 2nd, the NanoTEST team will present some of our work and give basis for fruitful discussions. We welcome other colleagues outside NanoTEST to take part of this event, as we expect many of you to be present due to the Nanotoxicology conference. More information will follow very soon.
NanoImpactNet summer school
Meeting is set 19th to 21st of July in Bratislava. Please have a look at the leaflet and sign in for this great opportunity to learn more about A) environmental fate and behaviour of nanomaterials and B) risk asessment methodologies.
Nano summer school

Oxford university arranges summer school July 5-9. For more informaion, open leaflet.
IVTIP Spring Meeting 2010 – Integrated In VitroTesting Strategies
The In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform (IVTIP) has the pleasure to invite you to the Spring Meeting on the 18th May 2010, hosted by the IVTIP member company Epithelix. For more information see leaflet or visit website.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We wish the NanoTEST consortium and everyone else a wonderful, relaxing Christmas, and a fruitful New Year. Thanks for all your efforts in 2009, and we look forward to more interesting results and continuation of a great collaboration in 2010.
For those of you who would like a break from nanoscience during Christmas, please visit this webpage to learn more about the science of Christmas and Santa. Enjoy.
Publication in Nature Nanotechnology

The Bristol Group has published their work in Nature Nanotechnology. We congratulate them with excellent work on cobalt-chromium nanoparticles.
Bhabra et al: “Nanoparticles can cause DNA damage across a cellular barrier” Nature Nanotechnology 4, 876 – 883 (2009) Abstract
European toxicology risk assessment training programme TRISK
The objective of the training programme is to provide a comprehensive training in toxicological risk assessment that serves as a model for future European training in risk assessment for accredited European risk assessor Read More
PEB meeting Bristol October 20th

The PEB meeting is venued in Bristol to easily be combined with the NanoTox workshop the following days. Information on both meetings can be found by following the link below (NanoTEST members only)

The workshop “Nanoparticles from Bench to Bedside: Moving from cellular interactions to translational approaches,” will be held at Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI).The workshop is Funded by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bristol (IAS) and the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN).
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Workshop on Comet and Micronuclei Assay 6-10th July

The workshop on Comet Assay and Micronuclei Assay at NILU will take place next week. This is for NanoTEST members only. For those interested, please log in to internal webpage.
May 18 1st annual meeting finished

The first annual meeting included 3 days of excellent presentations, informative posters and fruitful discussions, in addition to social events to get to know each other even better. 33 participants made sure all WPs and Parties and topics was represented. Meeting minutes are soon to be sent to all for aproval, presentations can already be found at the internal web site.
NanoTEST annual meeting
The 1st NanoTEST annual meeting will be in Barcelona May 5-7. One important event at this meeting is a poster session where results, methods and other topics of relevance to our project will be presented. More information about the meeting and abstract submission can be found here. Read More
Sept 4th Website launched
Welcome to NanoTEST official website. Here you can find information about the project, news, upcoming events, summaries from previous events, links to other projects, contact information and progress of our project. For more information / help please read more.
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